Case Management – PO Query Guidelines
September 2023
Table of Contents
Intent and Description....................................................................................................................................3
Overview of PO Query....................................................................................................................................3
Case Management System ...........................................................................................................................3
How to raise a case for purchase order Query?..........................................................................................3
Appendix 1: External Service Catalogue......................................................................................................7
Appendix 2: Company Name.........................................................................................................................10
Intent and Description
Overview of PO Query

The purpose of this Reference Guide is to provide guidance on the case management system process for Purchase Order query.

We’re Introducing a single platform for raising, routing and resolving Purchase Order request and query under Customer Resolution team.
Purchase Order query will implement web form and the focal contact point to Customer Resolution team for effective case management related
to purchase order query.

Case Management System

How to raise a case for purchase order Query?

Case Management Portal:

1. Click on Supplier

2. Choose “New and existing suppliers”

3. Click on “Manage my payment”

4. Select category “Purchasing” for Purchase Order Query

5. Choose the correct query type that related to your request / query

*Refer Appendix 1 for service category for each option

6. Update vendor name and purchase order / purchase requisition that you’re having issue with.

7. Indicate case title, query details.
*Preferable to have purchase order / purchase requisition in the title

8. Fill up your contact details and region (Mineral Australia, Mineral America or Potash)
* Indicates a field is mandatory

9. Attach all the relevant / supporting document that related to the request (if any)
*You can upload more than one document

10. Lastly, click submit

11. The case number will be provided after submission follow by an email notification.

  Appendix 1: External Service Catalogue


Category 2


 Contract   Administration Query PO issue related to contract / Outline Agreement (OA)
  •  PO issue due to material blocked in OA level
  •  PO issue due to line item deleted in OA
  •  PO issue due to OA expired
  •  PO issue due to OA with insufficient funds
 Urgent Purchase   Order Conversion Urgent PRPO conversion request with no response after several of follow up with   Purchaser.
  •  Urgent PRPO conversion due to site breakdown / WO requirement
  •  Long overdue PR that required for urgent conversion
 Purchase   Order expediting Purchase order that required urgently for site
  • Overdue POs and no update from Material Management team
  • Open POs that required expedite after several of follow up with Material                Management team but no update.
 PO Update (Price) Urgent PO price update due to incorrect PO pricing that required for urgent shut down / work at site.
 PO Update (Qty) Urgent PO qty update due to minimum order qty (MOQ) that required for urgent shut   down / work at site.
 PO Update (Others) Urgent PO amendment such as tax value, VPN, GL acc update that required for urgent   shut down / work at site.
 PR / PO Conversion -   Contract / Outline     Agreement Query -   PO   Automation   Failure PRPO conversion request for contracted item (PR linked with OA)
  • Urgent PRPO conversion due to OA expired and without response after                several of follow up with Purchaser.
  • Urgent PRPO conversion failure due to OA insufficient funds and without               response after several of follow up with Purchaser.
 PR / PO Conversion -   Catalogue Material PRPO conversion request for catalogued material (with BHP material number)
  •  Urgent PRPO conversion due to site breakdown / WO requirement
  •  Long overdue PR that required for urgent conversion
 PR / PO Conversion -   Free Text and   Services PRPO conversion request for free text and services orders (without BHP material   number)
  •  Urgent PRPO conversion due to site breakdown / WO requirement.
  •  Long overdue PR that required for urgent conversion.
 PR / PO Conversion -   Service Exchange /   Repairable PRPO conversion request for service exchange and offsite repairable orders
  •  Urgent PRPO conversion due to site breakdown / WO requirement
  •  Long overdue PR that required for urgent conversion
 PR / PO Conversion -   PO Rejected / Deleted PRPO conversion request for PO deleted or rejected by vendors (Bqueue)
  • Urgent PRPO conversion due to site breakdown / WO requirement
  • Long overdue PR that required for urgent conversion
 Purchase   Order Closure   Confirmation Purchase order that needs to be close up and no further delivery required.
 PO Price Update  Change order request
  • PO price update due to incorrect PO pricing
 PO Part Number   Update Change order request
  • PO part number update due to incorrect VPN.
  • PO part number update due to part number obsolete / change of part number.
 PO Delivery Date   Change Change order request
  • PO delivery date change due to PO delivery date not meet.
  • PO delivery date change due to change of lead time.
  • PO delivery date change due to supply interruption.
 PO Quantity Update Change order request
  • PO quantity update due to minimum order qty (MOQ)
  • PO quantity update due to minimum order value (MOV)
  • PO quantity update due to standard pack.
 PO UOM Update Change order request
  • PO UOM (unit of measurement) update due to incorrect PO UOM
 PO Retransmission   to Ariba / PO Copy In   PDF Retrigger PO to vendor due to PO not receive by vendors
 Update PO Tax Change order request
  •  PO tax update due to incorrect tax in PO
 SES Query Service Order query
  • Service PO with insufficient funds
  • Service PO with incorrect rate
  • Not able to submit SES
  • GL account or Cost center update
  • Service PO uplift
 PO Update (Others) PO update except above mentioned category such as (change of PO type, PO reopen   and PO cancellation)
 Update PO Tax Change order request
  • PO price update due to incorrect PO pricing
 PR/PO rejection PR rejected by purchaser with comment and requestor required support to reiterate       the PR
 PO deleted and required support to reopen the PO
 PO rejected by vendor and required change order as per vendor's rejection comment
 Freight option /   charges Freight request that needs to be confirm / added into PO with no response after several   of follow up with Purchaser.
  • Required freight charges to be add into purchase order.
  • BHP to decide freight option between sea shipment or air shipment.
 Order confirmation Purchase order acknowledgement
  • Order confirmation from non-Ariba vendor
 Strip cost check   (BER) This is only applicable for service exchange and repairable purchase orders.
 POs deemed Beyond Economical Repair
 POs required for scrap.
 Core Credit This is only applicable for service exchange purchase orders
  •  Acceptance of Condition report / Credit Note for returned damaged core.
 Warranties  Purchase order with warranty claim
 Warranty PO that required PO update / amendment
 Stock movement Required stock movement update in SAP system confirm material destination
 require shipping information from plant warehouse
 Commercial Review This is only applicable for service exchange and repairable purchase orders.
  • On receipt of item vendor strips and assesses the repair and loads the quote         and relevant documents via - Ariba.
  • PO required update as per strip and assess.
  • Acceptance of Condition report / Credit Note for returned damaged core /             unused core return / return as new.
 Return to   vendor (RTV) Item no longer required / needed and request for return back to vendor.
 Good receipting (1R) Good receipt request
  • Vendor delivered the item but pending for good receipt.
  • PO without GR more than 72 hours after dispatched.
  • Vendor is unable to submit invoice due to pending GR.
 Discrepant   Freight (QM10) QM raised by warehouse without response after several of follow up with the Purchaser
 Good Receipt   Reversal Reverse good receipt due to ERS vendor that required PO price amendment.
 Reverse good receipt due to incorrect qty GR


Appendix 2: Company Name


AssetCompany NameCompany CodeScreenshot
BM Alliance Coal Ops PLCY00
NECHunter Valley Energy CoalKB00
ODBHPB Olympic Dam Corp PLU200
NIWBHP Billiton Nickel WestS500


Comments (10)
  • 1 and false() and 'or' = 'and'
  • 1' or not(false()) or 'true' = 'true
  • 1 or not(false()) or 'true' = 'true'
  • 1" or true() or "and" = "and
  • 1" and false() and "or" = "and
  • 1" or not(false()) or "true" = "true
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
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